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    Recession-proof your business: how cloud accounting can help in uncertain times

    The future is feeling uncertain for many right now and the worry of further changes to come is of huge concern for those with key business decisions to make. Although there will be no quick fix solutions or firm predictions – you can, with the right tools, position your business for success during the economic crisis.

    Managing the cash flow of your business is going to be critical. Most businesses fail due to cashflow issues, so having a handle on this, particularly as we enter economic uncertainty, is going to be paramount. To do this you will need accurate and up to date accounting data. Cloud based software allows you to see a financial ‘snapshot’ of your business and allows you to build in the necessary apps to help you look forward, make necessary arrangements, and even have funding in place if required to ensure the success of your business.

    Our Cloud Accounting team are partnered with Futrli and Capitalise to help assist clients with this journey, we summarise below some of the key benefits.


    Futrli is a cashflow projection software that helps with planning for the future. It considers all aspects of your finances to help you plan and make better business decisions. By having a handle on your current and predicted cash balances this can help guide your business and serve as an early warning tool that alerts you to any variances.

    Futrli can also help with looking at actual vs. budget spend to identify any areas which you are potentially over or under spending on and help monitor key performance indicators.

    Futrli Predict analyses trends, seasonality and growth patterns (including impact resulting from COVID-19) to help business owners understand their cash flow in more detail and know where to focus their attention.


    Having assisted clients with raising finance for many years, we understand that sourcing funding required to support your business can be time-consuming and often expensive. Whilst the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and other factors continue to deliver significant challenges, never has there been a more important time to have easy access to funding.

    Capitalise is a capital advisory platform designed to help SMEs discover finance providers who can add value to their businesses quickly and efficiently. Along with access to multiple lenders, Capitalise can also assist with identifying ways to increase your business’ credit rating which may give you more favourable interest rates if funding is required.

    Capitalise allows us to offer our clients and contacts access to over 100+ leading mainstream and independent UK lenders who understand the unique financial demands faced by SMEs.

    We are able to manage your application on your behalf and support you at all stages of the funding process, positioning your business in the very best light to attract lenders and secure finance. Our funding specialists would be delighted to arrange a discussion to provide further details of Capitalise, how it could work for you and get you started with accessing funding.


    For further advice on Futrli, Capitalise or any general guidance on what may be the right options for the future of your business, please feel free to get in touch with our cloud team manager, Rosie Cooper, using the button below.

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    Written by:
    Rosie Cooper
    Director - Cloud Accounting
    For more information about anything in the above article, please get in touch using the button below.
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