As coronavirus fears spread around the world, at PM+M we are determined to keep calm and carry on.
As you will appreciate, the safety and well-being of our people is our primary concern, as is supporting our clients.
Our work from home policy
The PM+M leadership team has been meeting daily to discuss coronavirus and its implications on our business operations, team members, and service levels for our clients and contacts. Following yesterday’s Government announcement, we have implemented a work from home policy for most of our people. We already have contingency plans in place and are well prepared for this situation as our employees can already work remotely as the need arises, utilising technology to best effect.
This is particularly key for time critical services such as payroll and VAT returns where I can reassure you that we have robust plans in place to cover all eventualities.
Our attendance at events and larger gatherings
We are also taking common sense decisions about whether our people should attend events, conferences and other significant gatherings, so please forgive us if we cancel our commitments.
Communication is key
Where we are due to meet clients and contacts, we are checking to ensure that face to face meetings are the most appropriate method to communicate. We are more than happy to arrange alternatives such as video or telephone conferences if that is preferable.
We ask that our clients keep us informed of their situation so that we can assess whether we should send our employees out to work on site or not. If working on site is not appropriate, we have tested remote working across our service lines to ensure we can continue to deliver the services that our clients need.
Our direct dials are all diverting to mobiles and we will continue to have an essential team working on answering the main telephone line and dealing with post. However, our offices will not be open for meetings or visitors.
Financial issues caused by coronavirus
For any clients experiencing financial issues due to the coronavirus, we are here to help and can signpost you to the best support as well as provide help in negotiating time to pay your tax liabilities. Details of how to access time to pay support can be found here.
Service as usual
Finally, and to reiterate my previous comments, we expect no significant interruptions in our service. Our team are fully committed to providing a high level service and will continue to provide support by phone, email, video conference or any other suitable method of communication. We are confident in our abilities to continue to support you through these challenging times.
If you have any queries or concerns during this period, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your usual PM+M contact.
Wishing you all health and continued prosperity.
This information is correct as of 17 March 2020. This blog is for general guidance only. Recipients should not act upon any of the information provided without seeking specific professional advice tailored to your circumstances, requirements or needs. Please contact PM+M before making any decisions based on any matters relating to this blog.